Your Personal Info May Not Be Safe With Facebook – Here’s What You Can Do
Facebook and its CEO and chairperson Mark Zuckerberg has been at the centre of multiple controversies in the last many months. The latest one added to the ever-increasing list is the data breach scandal. Facebook is something almost every urban person has an account on, and we have become so accustomed to scrolling through it that we do not stop and think whether our information is safe with the media site or not.
What Facebook does internally none of us can control, though we can protect. However, we can take some measures to protect our personal information from our side.
Enjoy Content Responsibly
You should navigate to pages and websites that don’t use Facebook API at all. Is that even possible, though? Hard to say, but we found a network of interesting websites in adult niche that don’t even want to know anything about you. The one we want to show you today is called Shoplyfter and it features fantasy situations in the backrooms of retail shops. Females get caught daily on trying to steal and the punishment offered to them is quite… sexual. Take a look yourself. No Facebook needed to enjoy quality videos.
Control Who Your Audience Should Be
This is the first and foremost step anyone should take if they want to keep their account private. Facebook offers three generic options – Public, Friends Only and Only Me. The last one is kind of pointless unless you want to save something as a draft, and the first one makes your account vulnerable and open for anyone on Facebook to see. However, you can change your audience with every post individually as well.
Decide Who Should Be Able To Reach You
In the privacy settings, you can tell Facebook whom you want to reach you in the message and whom you don’t. Facebook is the ultimate hunting ground for creeps and click bait sites – no exaggeration there. And no matter what your gender is, you probably have a long list of spam messages in your inbox waiting to be read.
Restrict Search Visibility
When anyone looks you up in the search bar, you get to decide what they can see in your profile. You can set it to Friends or Friends of Friends, but refrain from keeping it as everyone for better safety. You can also choose from here that what others can see on your profile. From your profile picture to everything on your ‘About’ page can be customised as to who can see them.
Set up who can post on your walls
If you have a private account, people who are not your friends cannot post on your timeline automatically. But you can restrict friends too, or get Facebook ask you before they add something to your timeline posted by someone else.
Change Password Frequently
This is something most of us forget to do, but changing the password every 6 months is one of the ways to keep your account safe, if not a fool proof one.
Facebook has been reportedly known to steal data and according to a TedEx speaker can even tell your age, gender and preferences easily. Be careful when you sign up for social media websites.

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Categories: Web Trends